PLUS90® is a safe and effective, non-surgical feminine health treatment to target internal and external vaginal issues. Treatments use radiofrequency (RF) energy to gently heat tissue and rejuvenate collagen with minimal discomfort and downtime.
Plus 90 is a very simple treatment that has helped many women around the world. Childbirth, aging and weight loss can all be the cause of poorly supported vaginal structures which can result in sagging and laxity of the genital tissues and discomfort during sexual relations or urinary incontinence. Childbirth and aging will often cause widening of the vaginal canal which can result in decreased sensation and stimulation during sex. Atrophy or thinning of the vaginal lining can cause hypersensitivity, dryness and pain.
No downtown, 20 minutes per treatment, patients will notice a difference from the first treatment and 3 treatments will achieve satisfying results..